Half acre Organic Hobby Farm and House inside Philadelphia Large single R5 property, A lovely family home. Almost twice the house and 10 times the land of most nearby rowhomes and twins. More than half an acre inside philadelphia city limits which means ridiculously low property taxes compared to owning this in the suburbs. 3Bedroom/2 Bath, .56 acres. Why settle for a tiny 900 sq ft row home in South Philly when you could have all this for the same commute time and save yourself a few hundred thousand dollars? Multiple easy commute options; 5 minute walk to the train with a quick, quiet, train ride into center city, 2 buses nearby that connect to the Market-Frankfurt Line or the Broad Street Line, also 6 car driveway and spare parking space. Purchased in 2009 with water damage, home and grounds have had over 100K worth of renovations. Areas removed for water damage were gutted to the brick, given a solid mortar coating with waterproofing additives and interior walls replaced with 2x6 construction and very well insulated. Electric box recently redone and a lot of the wiring was completely replaced through the house, new 200 amp feed. 3 Bedrooms with plenty of closet space, one even has a walk-in closet. Wood stove installed. Formal dining room recently redone. Well maintained 2003 Oil furnace with new pump, new combustion chamber, and new 330 gallon oil tank. New stainless steel appliances in large kitchen. Grounds have been kept as best effort organic since 2009 except for small contained rose garden in front. Potable water coatings applied over roof top, recoated in Nov 2018, and 600 gallon rainwater collection system for watering the yard installed. Cedar fence installed. Detached 18x18 Garage with new door and opener. Great covered wood deck and large concrete patio lead out to your lengthy backyard. Extensive work done to grounds; numerous large dead trees cleared, a few hundred canadian thistles manually cleared and root systems dug out without the use of pesticides, dwarf fruit orchard planted and producing fruit(4 apple trees, 2 cherry trees, peach tree, pear tree and plum tree). A full size apple tree and blueberry bush. Small Vineyard producing enough grapes for a couple gallons of wine a year. Great shady oak with nearly 60’ diameter shade. Large flower, vegetable and herb gardens. Numerous perennial flowering border plantings. Great animal views; There are a few squirrels, various birds such as sparrows, jays, and cardinals, and a block past the train station you can find many deer just wandering around the jogging trails of our nearby parks. This property is surrounded by a lovely residential neighborhood and has a nearby commercial strip where you will find these useful locations within a 4 block walk. Wawa (gas), 7-11, Sonoco (gas), Post Office, Wendy’s, CVS, AutoZone, Sushi, Korean food, 3 Banks, 8 Doctor’s offices, Gym, 2 Martial arts Schools, 5 Childcare locations, 3 Dry Cleaners, 3 pizza and sandwich shops, Wine & Liquor Store, Beer Distributor, 6-pack place/Award winning “Chase’s Hop Shop”. This rapidly developing neighborhood was the kickoff location of 2017 & 2018’s NightMarket street festival.